Friday, October 31, 2014

One Line Coffee - October 29th, 2014

Do you guys remember Mr. Crocker from Fairly Odd Parents? How weird was that guy?

As I powered through the work week of dismal and despair, I was convinced to enlighten my spirits with a nice cup of joe. Though one may think I would of gone my normal roots of brewing coffee for my housemates and I, I meandered my way to a coffee shop my young eyes were yet to lay eyes upon what was before me - One Line Coffee. I was immediately flabbergasted by the amount of options I had, and how sophisticated their names were. Then, my roommate Peter remarked on the drink he wanted, as if a Pirate, had once loved his beautiful ship... A ship that had been loyal to him forever... A life of loyalty one hundredfold... Only to abandon love from walking the plank only never to return...

"Willickers! It's the drink I've always wanted! The bottled slow drip cold brew coffee"

I was frazzled of how frightfully uncouth this citizen had responded. But I must agree. We purchased our drinks, that came in such nifty bottles, even Richard Simmons would of been impressed. The drink was so bitter and full of acid that my taste buds sang with the chorus of one thousand angels. Its rich acidity complimented the butterscotch aroma that all came together to a common denominator of long ripe blossoms.

"Dynamite, this is liquid Gold"

Buy this; or don't. I wont care

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October 25h, 2014 - Fox in the Snow

A cool crisp breeze strings over the cold ground this past Saturday morning. Just as every Saturday begins, I walked with my two friends Wyatt and Jesse to my car, where we would head to a destination unknown to crave the caffeine gaping hole inside of us that we look forward to the night before. I woke up to the sunshine of one thousand rays perfectly gleaming on my darkened arms like a oiled gazelle running through a springy meadow. Perhaps a gazelle running from the life she thought she loved, leaving all her worries behind...

At 9:00 we stumbled into the car with blurry vision, morning clothes, and bed head. That morning we came to the conclusion we would go to a place we had never been before: Fox in the Snow cafe, a place that had recently opened its doors for the first time with open arms to hipsters, soccer moms, and all in-between. We walked into the Army colored building, with a sign of confidence of those who act like they know their coffee.

"Play it cool, Trent. You got this. Just go up and say you want a cup of coffee." I repeat to myself under my breath that smells so bad that I would warn even God himself to not get involved.

"Ill have two cappuccinos" as I speak for my friend Wyatt and I.
"I got this" as I respond to the girl cashier about how to pay.

DARKHORSE! Cappuccino. Even I did not see this coming. Looking back I would like to say As we got our cups I was amazed at the temptation that came with wanting to take a picture of my perfectly aesthetic frothy. As I bring my frothy delight to my mouth I smelled the different and spices that had been placed perfectly to shoot right up my nose hole.

That first sip. Oh that first sip. I remember it like it was just yesterday. The cappuccino had such a perfect split between espresso, steamed and foamed milk to provide a rich, flavor. This cup was such an organic taste, that it naturally rolled down into my stomach right where God had predestined it to be so... It was such a short cup but dear readers this was so full that I am at a loss of better words to use.

Below a picture is attached, but for now I must go, for I fear someone is watching...

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October 15th, 2014 - Stauf's

Today I walked into a room surrounded by wooden barrels full of coffee beans; over 50 different beans home roasted to perfection with different flavors, concentrations, and nationalities all over. Stauf's, Columbus Ohio's very own, is a small micro roasting coffee shop that provides the biggest bean diversity my young eyes have seen. I once thought that I had found my niche of coffee, but I found myself lost in the rich culture of home roasting.

I knew from the get go that a long day's worth of homework and studying called for a french press; however dear readers I am certain you are stumbling at the edge of your seat "WHICH BEAN WILL HE BUY?!" Fear not, friends! Although I am a novice at coffee drinking, I am a veteran at acting casual:

"I'll have the darkest bean you guys got"

My barista, who's name will remain confidential, brought me the Sumutra French Roast to give me w whiff. I smelled a million different flavors: it was oaky, yet soft; bitter, but tender. I was thrilled to dive in onto what I later found out was a synonym for motor oil. This roast was rather bitter, however it was still accessible, all while holding out it's nutty concentration. I am confident that I will not be able to sleep from this mid day caffeine.

Over all, Stauf's receives a 8.93/10 seen through its service and high quality in bean knowledge. The last thing I want dear readers is for you to think I am quick to give an easy grade. Fo not! Stauf's has set the standard high, and I can only imagine it will be tough to beat. But now I must go, I promise I wont be long.


As I dive into a world unknown of what seems to pump the blood of college kids all over, I find myself falling more in love with coffee each and every day. As Columbus, Ohio's biggest fan and native, I am in search for the best coffee shop in Columbus. There are many shops, and stores that some claim to have the best, but outside of bias, I want to have as much coffee as possible to see not only who has the best coffee, but atmosphere, music, and employee service. Outside of the coffee shop scene, I will also post about different coffee makers/machines, different forms of coffee as I dive into a whole new world. In Columbus, and in the rest of the world, there are limited physical locations that serve coffee; however, the ways coffee can be served are endless.